Austin Ellis Hesse - Online Memorial Website

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Austin Hesse
Born in Iowa
22 years
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Thank you Jill for sharing your pain with me, as i am only now starting my journey trying to save my daughter from this drug. My heart goes out to you and your family as I have lost my Father recently. I believe things happen for a resin and people come into our lives for a resin. I believe your son is helping through you to save my daughter and others. You keep up your fight to educate others because I would not have know as much as I know know if it was not for your response to my outcry.
I have read everything you said and everything on this page and I thank you so much for reaching out to other people that do not know. Jill this is going to be the first thing I show my daughter when she arrives back on the 3rd.

Your son is a peace now but please don`t forget he his doing a wonderful job from the heavens above.

Please find comfort in that..........all blessings to you and your family.

With Love and Respect
Grandma Regan

Austin is in a better place and with him went the love of parents, and also my unconditional love for him as he shared months at a time with me.  And during that time he was a respectful and loving grandson and would do anything to help me.  My motto has been and always will be, "Love the kid not necessarily what he does sometimes".    He was generous and loving and we had many good talks together. 


Parents, Bill and Jill  certainly did the best they could to try and help him with the problem of drugs but the drugs overpowered him.  Comfort comes in knowing a loving God reaches out to all HIS children and Austin's talents revived on a higher plane.  Happy Travels and God's blessings always.  "This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it".  Psalm 118:24

I've had so many special times with Austin over the years. I wish I could have more. I wish I could've done something to erase his pain and fight his drug addiction for him.  He was my little boy who I loved and protected for so long. He made me laugh. I could look into his eyes and see into his heart. It was  beautiful. Straight from his mom and dad. I will cherish all the times I've had with my son and hold him tight, forever in my heart and soul. I know God has found a peaceful place for him. I know Austin was a beautiful person. Even in the end, he never physically hurt another human being. He had so much love deep inside of him.  The drugs took over him. Whoever knew the true Austin, knew this special gift of love he had.
DL Steines

     I refuse to accept that Austin was just another kid gone bad.  The Austin I remember was a good kid.  I remember him when he still have love for his family......for himself.  I remember him when he still had hopes and dreams.  I remember him before drugs took over his life.


     My heart goes out to his family.....Jill, Bill and Daniel.  Austin is gone but his memory will live forever in our hearts.  Hopefully Austin's death will touch the hearts of others around him and help people to open their eyes to the horrors and truths of drug abuse.


     Parents open your eyes......take a good look at the world around you.  No matter what background a kid comes from they are subject to drug addiction.  It is not a matter of bad is a matter of our kids being happy and believing in themselves.


     Talk to your children.  Don't close your eyes to what happens around us....don't try to protect them from hearing about it.  Educate them to the things that could happen to them to understand the dangers and help them make the right choices in their lives.


     As our world worstens around us our children are affected just as we are.  They are giving up hope for their futures.  It has become too easy for our kids to hide behind drugs instead of facing the world.  Don't let them stop believing in themselves and help them to maintain the happiness they deserve.


     Talk to them......just because they are young and inexperienced does not mean they are stupid.  They are taught things we never were and are smarter now at a far younger age.  If you don't believe me take a eight year old boy out for ice cream and talk to him like he was an adult.  You will amazed at what he knows and some things we can learn from them.


     Do not close your eyes and pretend it can't happen to you or your loved ones because it can.  Talk to them.....listen to them.  Insure that they can be happy with themselves and you have won half the battle of drug addiction.......the rest is up to them.

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